Mediskill Editorial Process


Evidence-based, Helpful, Trustworthy, Accessible, and Accurate

We’re aware that ozone therapy is controversial and that some consider it to have no proof of safety and effectiveness. Yet, several clinical trials have demonstrated its safety and effectiveness.

When we first learned about ozone therapy, we found that it was popular among cutting-edge doctors who can successfully help many tough cases. There were some, but mostly inaccessible and unusable literature in various languages. It’s hard to understand, leaving it up to so-called experts to explain it. While the experts could be excellent physicians, many of them don’t have time or space to create accessible materials. This leaves the communications up to those who don’t fully understand it or conspiracy theories, which can create even more prejudice against ozone therapy. 

Our goal is to help lay people and medical professionals access reliable, minimally biased, evidence-based, and useful information about ozone therapy. We don’t provide medical advice or claim that it treats any disease, but instead compile the existing literature in an easy-to-read and accessible way. 

1) Evidence-based

Hierarchy of scientific evidence

According to the Dictionary of Oxford Languages, “evidence-based medicine” refers to the practice or care that emphasizes the practical application of the best available current research. To this end, we cover all forms of evidence, including test tube, animal studies, case reports, and clinical trials.

Science is a dynamic field where discoveries can be confirmed or reproven. Therefore, evidence and conclusions are not absolute and subject to change.

2) Our Sourcing Policy

To provide our readers with authoritative content, we rely primarily on scientific evidence, while taking into account potential bias. We strive to cite sources from peer-reviewed medical literature. Occasionally, we may quote our physician colleagues who have real-world experience treating patients with ozone therapy. 

3) Transparency and Trustworthiness

As an ozone therapy information site, we’re not 100% unbiased about ozone therapy. However, we’re as transparent as possible. 

When researching for your health, we encourage critical thinking and doing your own research. Then, making health decisions for yourself in consultation with your healthcare professional.

For each clinical trial we include, we include details that determine the credibility of the trials, such as:

  • Whether it’s double-blinded placebo-controlled, case-controlled, or other types of design
  • The number of participants
  • Specific techniques or remedies used as a treatment and measurement
  • Dosages, duration, and frequency of the treatment
  • Statistical significance
  • Results, conclusion, and implications of the study

Where there is no evidence for specific popular treatment, we say so. If we’re extrapolating from another form of treatment, we say so.

Generally, there is very limited, but some, clinical evidence for ozone therapy. Most trials are small and of poor quality. 

In an attempt to be as helpful as possible, sometimes we extrapolate from other similar modalities. 

Most importantly, we don’t sell anything on There is no affiliate link or link to buy anything. 

4) Accessibility and Helpfulness

We choose to include specific details that are more practically helpful, and generally omit details that readers are likely to already know. Therefore, we refrain from introducing in-depth about health conditions or their prevalence as this is not a site people come to learn about specific health conditions. Instead, we introduce the aspects of the conditions that could be addressed by ozone therapy or practical details that can make ozone therapy harder or easier.

Lack of understanding of how ozone therapy works leads to prejudice against it, taking it away from people who need it the most. In addition, we believe that science should be accessible to everyone. Therefore, we employ editorial techniques to maximize accessibility and helpfulness. 

For example:

  • We explain how things work while maximizing accuracy with specific molecular biology and mechanistic concepts. These help you understand how ozone therapy works and why it’s effective.
  • We minimize long, hard-to-read sentences, passive voices, and jargons that are prevalent in academic texts to improve readability. 
  • We substitute scientific and medical jargon with terms that are more easily understood, such as “transcription factors” to cellular managers or “gene expression” to gene readouts.
  • We explain specific scientific jargon, such as Nrf2, with proper context to help readers without scientific backgrounds understand the materials.

5) Real Life Experience and Medical Expertise

We carefully select our contributors, choosing those who have medical training and real-life experience on the topic. Our contributors receive training on research and writing about complex topics for the lay audience. 

Our Medical Advisory Board comprises a diverse group of clinicians who are experts in their general specialist fields and use ozone therapy regularly as a tool in their practices. Aside from their knowledge and training, our medical advisors bring their clinical experience, practical angles, and patient advocacy to our content.

6) Our Research and Writing Processes

Our dedicated health and medical writers thoroughly review the medical literature to understand the totality of the evidence before writing about the topic. Then, they compose the article to maximize accessibility and helpfulness without compromising scientific accuracy. Subsequently, our medical advisors review and revise the draft for medical accuracy and real-life applicability. 

Medical Disclaimer is meant to be a source of general information and entertainment only, without offering health or medical advice. Please consult your own medical provider for diagnosis and treatment. Do not disregard medical advice or delay medical attention based on anything you read on the internet. 

The publication of content on this website does not constitute a doctor-patient or practitioner-client relationship.

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