¿Qué enfermedades trata la ozonoterapia?


Does ozone therapy cure…?

Ozone therapy has a positive effect for most people.  Keep in mind, just like any treatment, it does not work for everyone.  Some people claim that ozone is a miracle cure, the box of magic beans that will cure cancer and heal every disease. This is an overstatement from people who are excited about the results they got and frustrated that the conventional medical establishment doesn’t recommend ozone therapy.

There is no miracle cure.  Ozone therapy is another helpful tool that has assisted many people in their health journey, much like NAD, Vitamin C, Hydrogen, and others.

How does ozone therapy work?  

Ozone is not a drug that forces something to happen inside your body. Drugs and medications, while often necessary, don’t always address the issue that goes deeper than the symptoms: your body’s ability to function at its highest level. While it’s not necessarily the fix-all that instantly heals every disease, correctly administered ozone has the potential to accomplish what more conventional medicine can’t. 

That’s because ozone is a biological response modifier, which means it fundamentally modifies the way your cells work. Oxygen molecules have two oxygen atoms, but ozone has three. When ozone molecules come in contact with your cells, the third oxygen atom essentially bonds to your cells to produce these effects: 

  1. Improve oxygen efficiency 
  2. Modulate the immune system, assisting in infectious diseases
  3. Improve blood flow and microcirculation
  4. Detoxification and removal of senescent cells
  5. Mitigate chronic oxidative stress

There are many more things that happen after an ozone therapy treatment but these are the most basic aspects.

Dr. Velio Bocci, who has been called “The Father of Ozone” summarized it well when he said:

“We have good reasons to believe that the therapeutic power of ozone therapy consists of simultaneously improving circulation and oxygen delivery, in enhancing the release of autacoids, growth factors and cytokines and in reducing the endogenous, chronic oxidative stress.  In other words, ozone therapy seems to act as a biological response modifier … ozone triggers a series of biological mechanisms that lead to normalizing the delivery of oxygen for several days with consequent therapeutic effects.” 

Dr. David Sinclair, PhD once said that the closest thing we have to the fountain of youth is hormesis.

What are hormetic therapies?  A hormetic therapy is something that causes a small amount of stress to create a beneficial response.  Exercise is an example of a hormetic therapy.  Exercise works by creating small tears in the muscle and stressing the cardiovascular system to strengthen it.  Same for ice baths, sauna, and fasting.  

Ozone therapy is a hormetic therapy because it causes a small amount of stress to the body.  The body responds by strengthening and building itself into a better version.  

You can click here to download the “Complete Guide to Ozone Therapy” to learn how ozone therapy may be beneficial to you.  This guide includes videos, written protocols, demonstrations, interviews with medical practitioners, and thorough explanations.

Diseases treated by ozone therapy

Please note this list merely indicates the scientific literature as of late 2019.  It is not a comprehensive list and there are many areas needing more research.

Indications for ozone therapy are classified into three different categories, according to Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).  Factors impacting the quality of evidence include: Source type (meta-analysis and systematic reviews of randomized clinical trials), peer-review acceptance, currency, clinical relevance, and statistical validity.

The evidence is taken and categorized into three levels:

Level A: There is good scientific evidence suggesting the clinical benefits substantially outweigh risks.  Level A indications are based on systematic reviews with randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews with homogeneity of cohort studies or systematic reviews with the homogeneity of case-control studies.  

Level B: At least fair scientific evidence suggests that the clinical benefits of ozone outweigh the potential risks.  Based on individual randomized trials (with a narrow confidence interval), cohort studies, or case-control studies.  

Level C: At least fair scientific evidence suggests that there are clinical benefits provided by ozone, but the balance between benefits and risks are too close.  Based on expert opinions without explicit critical appraisals, case reports, or based on physiology, bench research, or “first principles”, or descriptive epidemiology.

Level A

  • Spinal Diseases

Level B

  • Orthopedic diseases and localized osteoarthritis
  • Painful disorders of musculoskeletal soft tissue
  • Patellar chondromalacia, Gonarthrosis
  • Tendinopathies (such as tennis elbow, jumper’s knee, painful shoulder, and rotator cuff tendinopathy)
  • Quervain’s tenosynovitis
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Diabetes and Diabetic foot
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
  • Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Meniere’s disease
  • Advanced ischemic diseases.  Lower limb arterial ischemia
  • Degeneración macular asociada a la edad
  • Dental caries lesion (cavities)
  • Osteomyelitis, plural emphysema, abscesses with fistula, infected wounds, bed sores, chronic ulcers, burns
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases, particularly those caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics or to chemical treatments, viruses, fungi (hepatitis, HIV-AIDS, herpes and herpes zoster infection, papillomavirus infections, onychomycosis and candidiasis, giardiasis, and cryptosporidiosis).  Bartolinitis and vaginal candidiasis.  Athlete’s foot.  Onychomycosis

Level C

  • Cancer related fatigue (quality of life improvement)
  • Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy in cancer
  • Asma
  • Autoimmune diseases: MS, RA, Crohn’s, chronic inflammatory bowel disease
  • Lung diseases: Emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Skin diseases: Psoriasis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis
  • Sepsis: severe sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction, necrotizing fascitis, peritonitis, burns, maxillary infection, suppurative otitis media, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, cystitis
  • Respiratory diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, respiratory failure, rhinosinusitis, pleural emphysema
  • Gastro intestinal diseases: cholelisthiasis and peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal hemorrhage
  • Ophthalmology: dry eye syndrome, diabic retinopathy, endophthalmitis, choroid diseases, age related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, chronic glaucoma
  • Nervous system disorders: Ethanol withdrawal
  • Pain: Fibromyalgia, metatarsalgia, migraine
  • Pregnancy: placental failure, preeclampsia, infertility caused by fallopian tube adhesion
  • Vascular diseases: ischaemic heart disease, peripheral vascular or arterial disease
  • Cancer metastasis (as adjuvant or to reduce side effects of chemo and radiation): refractory hemorrhagic radiation proctitis.  Prostatic hyperplasia
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Chronic kidney failure
  • Liver diseases: hepatitis A, B, C, cirrhosis
  • Thyroid nodule
  • Senile dementia, alzheimer
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Lymphedema
  • Colibacillosis
  • hemorrhoids, proctitis, constipation
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Chronic pelvic inflammation, recurrent vulvovaginitis

It is important to note that these indications DO NOT encapsulate the full scope of ozone therapy in practice.  Clinical experience and anecdotes venture far beyond these indications.

Here are some diseases commonly treated with ozone therapy but not researched as thoroughly:

You can click here to download the “Complete Guide to Ozone Therapy” to learn how ozone therapy may be beneficial to you. This guide includes videos, written protocols, demonstrations, interviews with medical practitioners, and thorough explanations.

Here are some people who have benefited from ozone therapy.

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